Let Boys be Boys: The World Needs them

Men don't become good when they stop being men. They become good when they stop being bad. We know what that looks like. It's a young man opening the door for a girl on their first date. It's a father working long hours to provide for his family. It's a soldier risking his life to defend his country. The growing problem in today's society isn't that men are too masculine. It's that they're not masculine enough.

Healthy families and strong communities depend on the leadership and bravery of good men. Yet, the current trend is to feminize young men in the hopes of achieving some utopian notion of equality and peace.

When men embrace their masculinity in a way that is healthy and productive, they are leaders, warriors, and heroes. So Let the Boys be Boys.

Unapologetically - Boy. 

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The Understanding Why Boys Wrestle, Play Fight, and Fidget

Are you tired of constantly telling your young boy to stop fidgeting or sit still? You're not alone. Sitting still can challenge boys due to their unique biological makeup. So, why do boys wrestle, play fight, and fidget so much? Let's explore the science behind it and how you can support your active son.


Boys need mentors, parents, and role models who will set and uphold high standards for them as they make the transition to young men,

Regrettably, our society often portrays a stereotype of the irresponsible male figure. Boys have inherent qualities, such as a propensity for physical activity, exploration, and certain types of play, which are crucial for their development. Encouraging these traits is thought to help boys grow into well-rounded individuals. By understanding and supporting the natural tendencies of boys, we contribute to raising confident, capable men who can positively impact the world. It is crucial that we challenge these notions for the sake of our sons.

  1. Foster respectful communication: Refrain from engaging in heated arguments with your sons. Instead, demand that they express their disagreements respectfully. Teaching them to communicate respectfully is a valuable life skill.
  2. Discourage insults: Set boundaries by not allowing your sons to insult you, criticize your cooking, or demean others. This isn't about self-interest; it's about teaching them how to interact respectfully with people.
  3. Promote empathy: Encourage your sons to be mindful of others' needs and to step in and offer assistance when they can. Empathy is a crucial quality for becoming compassionate individuals.
  4. Encourage responsibility: While keeping your requests reasonable, insist that your sons follow through with tasks and responsibilities. Bailing them out repeatedly hinders their growth into responsible adults.
  5. Recognize maturity: Acknowledge and praise your sons' mature actions and efforts whenever you can. Providing respect and appreciation boosts their self-esteem and encourages them to continue growing.
  6. Also, keep in mind, YOLO - You Only Live Once. So, let him savor that ice cream, chase his giggles in the wind, and fill the world with his playful sounds. These moments are fleeting; he'll grow before you realize it, leaving only echoes of this carefree joy. Treasure these days; they're irreplaceable.

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Supporting Your Active Boy

Instead of trying to force boys to sit still, consider adjusting your expectations. Boys are naturally wired for movement, and physical activity helps balance their biochemistry. Promoting physical activities, exceptionally high to low-intensity ones, can calm restless boy by altering their brain chemistry.

Professor Japp Panksepp, an authority on human behavior, suggests that play helps children learn to control themselves and regulate their emotions. So, rather than curbing your boy's need to move, offer plenty of opportunities for him to use his boundless energy constructively.

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In conclusion, the cultivation of healthy masculinity is essential for the development of strong, responsible, and compassionate men. By understanding and nurturing the natural inclinations of boys towards physical activity and exploration, we can guide them towards becoming the leaders, warriors, and heroes of tomorrow. It's crucial to provide boys with positive role models and environments that encourage respect, empathy, and responsibility. Embracing masculinity in its positive form is not about diminishing it, but rather about channeling it into productive and honorable paths. As a society, our goal should be to support our boys in becoming the best versions of themselves, contributing positively to their families and communities. Let us all commit to this vital task with understanding, patience, and dedication.

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